Friday, March 12, 2010

Just one of those weeks!!

Have you ever had one of those weeks where every possible emotion was felt six times over??

Well that explains my week this week. I have gone from overwhelmed, to sad, to hystarical, to pissed off, to just a blob,.....and then this nasty cycle came full circle again. The end of this week is such a blessing because if the cycle continued I would become a monster and devower any thing/one in my path.

One of the best things in my life EVER is music, as I have stated in previous posts. Music is my outlet for life, and this week I have supplied youtube with about 5 kabillion hits on every type of music available. From Beethoven, to Bob marley, to a tribe called quest, to brudda iz, to bring me the horizon, to Mr Clapton and billy idol. Stuff that makes your ears bleed to the best symphonies ever recorded to the saddest songs you have heard.

Now you can call me a fag if you want....but enya can relieve any emotion or furry or situation that I am in and make me whole again. I love you enya for making some of the most honest and powerful music that I can get a hold of. Bob Marley can do the same things to me, and it is one of the best ways that I deal with the happenings of life.

So,....if you find yourself in a crappy situation listen to the following song
Only Time-enya
Wild Child-enya
Three Little Birds-bob Marley
One Love-Bob Marley

Makes you feel like a new person....listen to it for the meaning that the artist meant it to have and you will find yourself in a realm of glistening babbling brooks, green fields, warm breezes, and the sounds of pure relaxation coming from all around you where every little thing will be alright!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


It seems that I work better with only 5 hours of sleep rather then the recommended 8 to 9 hours. I am more awake today, so that leads me to think that all what the doctors told me is null. Or maybe its because I am getting used to this feeling and its becoming normal...who knows.

Today is just one of those days that your first thought this morning was "SICK DAY", and yet here I am at school in my favorite pair of slippers and just chillen listening to Snuff by slipknot...One of my favorite songs at the moment. All I wanted to do was get up at ten o'clock and watch Johnny Depp movies. Lately I have been watching a lot of his movies, and my top ten movie list is changed...What's Eating Gilbert Grape will will utterly change your life. In one of the best performances of his career, Depp plays an amazing character who isn't in a place in his life he wants to be. He is looking for the deeper meaning in his life and isn't finding it in his hometown. The movie tells of his struggle with his mentally handicapped brother Arney and his mother who is the laughing stock, and the brunt of many jokes because of her weight.
WATCH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!