Saturday, October 10, 2009

Why do the good die young?

Is crying the right thing to do? Is morning, or silence, or praying the way to deal with this? At a lose for words, when I feel most like I should be writing is a hallow feeling in my stomach.

Tonight many people have lost an amazing little child. This 9 year old boy was like a brother to me, and I feel like I have lost just that. We lost a boy completely full of love, joy, and cheerfulness, and the effects are already being felt. What is the right thing to do when your heart is broken and you can see very little light at the end of this forever tunnel? Do you just sit down and cry like there isn't anything left, or do you still cling forever to this little light? I, of course, know the answer and that is to cling tooth and nail to the light and the hope. But it almost seems like this is impossible, you must try with every ounce of strenght you have. Because this is when TRUE strenght is found, in the face of absolute uncertainty and grief, and you still hold strong to all you know and believe in.

As I sit here and cry, I am reminded that it isn't over, I WILL see YOU again! This is the thing that I must cling to; the fact that I am going to see YOU again and under someone else's terms and in a new eternal light. Daniel, YOU have inspired me to be the person that GOD called me to be, someone different and BOLD, for this cause I would give my own life for. YOU have stirred me to not live a life that is mediocre and convienent at that specific time. But to live each day with the intensity as if it were my last. Because I have no idea when my time is drawing close to the last few pieces of sand. BLESSED be the day that I see YOU again my brother, I love YOU more then YOU will ever know, and I can't wait till I see YOUR face again.

I guess what I am trying to say to you reading this is dont treat life as a privilege, treat it like the gift it is. And If you are not a spiritual person, I would ask you to re-think why you are not. You never know when your time is going to be over, and I can tell you that there IS a heaven and a hell. I know where I am going, and I know where my brother daniel is, do you know where you are going to be once your last grain of sand reached the floor? Once time is up, its up, no more time to plead and finish up, its completley final.

<3 R.I.P. Daniel<3 ( daniel boone you were the best, and I love you very much. See you soon.)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Perks of Being A Small-Town Kid

O. The joy of being born and raised in a small town is something that I never really considered until the fact was pointed out to me. But this person is absolutely correct when they saw it is a major blessing!! How many other people can say that they have, first hand, seen a lawn tractor pulling a wagon occupying a supermarket parking spot? Now the scary thing about this is that these persons that own this tractor, whom I will refer to as the B's, actually put the groceries in the back and obey all rules of the road like an actual registered vehicle. Or, for another example, the B's call the police to report that they are missing a prime steak out of the freezer. The police, upon arrival, find the steak perfectly safe and in no significant danger, except of course being thawed because of the lack of coldness in the open-lidded freezer.

In short, my town of 5000ish people is quite the little spot to be in. Never a dull moment is had here, and my love depo. is more personal because of the people that make it humorous.